What To Do After An Accident
After an accident, there is a lot you need to do to bolster your personal injury claim. Not many people know everything they should be doing, and missing out on even a single step can be a major detriment to your claim.
At Curt Hamilton Injury Law, our Indiana and Kentucky car accident lawyers want to provide you with the guidance you need to earn the settlement you deserve. We help clients in the areas surrounding our office in Henderson, Kentucky. We want to start helping you by giving you these helpful tips about what you can do after your accident.
Get The Information Of The Liable Party
There is a lot of precious information at the scene of your accident. You can collect the contact information of the liable party, a picture of their driver’s license, the make and model of their car, and their insurance information to help you track them down to help you file your personal injury claim.
Call The Police
If the accident was serious, the police can help ward off the area, develop a police report, and clear away the accident after you and they have collected enough evidence of the accident. The report that the police provide you can be a valuable asset in your claim.
See A Doctor
Even if you were able to walk away from an accident, you may be suffering internal injuries that you may not notice because of being in shock. Make sure a doctor reviews your condition to confirm your health, offers you treatments you may need and creates a medical report that can also help your claim.
Call Us For Help
Even if the accident seems to be an open and shut situation, you may still have to fight for the compensation you deserve. Our Indiana and Kentucky car accident lawyers can fight on your behalf while you focus on your health after an accident. We know how to determine what your claim is worth, and we know how to fight for you through negotiation and litigation.
If you are ready to meet with our committed team, call us at 270-458-3126 or email us. Schedule your free initial consultation today to begin building your personal injury claim to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.