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Safety tips for back to school

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2022 | Auto Accidents

Summer days can seem long and lazy. The sun is up longer, and the children often do not have anywhere they need to be during the day.

It is time to start thinking about kids returning to school as summer winds down. Whether you have children or not, starting the school year means adjusting for back-to-school safety.

Here are a few ways to avoid accidents and keep yourself and the kids in your community safe this back-to-school season.

School zone season

Over the summer, school zones are vacant, and the speed limits are often faster. When children return to school, it is time to start slowing down and watching for them.

The beginning of the school year is significant since many children are getting used to their safety routines. Kids may forget to look before they cross, or they may be unable to anticipate how fast cars travel. When you take the time to drive slower through a school zone, you have more time to react to a child who accidentally strays into the road.

Yeilding to crossing guards and buses

The back-to-school season also means school buses stopping and picking up children. There will also be crossing guards helping children cross the streets near the school.

Remember, you need to stop when the red lights are flashing on a school bus. You should also watch for children who try to cross the street after their bus drops them off. Sometimes children will wait to cross, and it can be challenging to see them.

When you take the time to use extra caution near schools, you can help everyone get home safely.
